Software package for the data analysis of IGBT modules accelerated ageing
CEITEC BUT has created a software package for monitoring the status and providing predictive maintenance of power inverters components, namely semiconductor power elements. For this purpose, tests of accelerated aging of power modules were carried out, when the electrical quantities (collector voltage, saturation voltage, collector current, control electrodes and control electrodes) tested transistors during the switching processes were recorded. The automated measuring workplace was controlled using the Ni CompactRIO platform, and a powerful Tektronix MSO68B oscilloscope is used to record data.
Acquired data contains records of the switch on and switch off transistor transitions measurements and are stored in the TDMS files - in the native format of the NI control platform.
The first program package realizes batch conversion of recorded files to MATLAB environment format. Predictive Maintenance Toolbox is used for efficient processing and data is formatted into the so called FileEnsemble. The FileDataStore object is used for the batch processing of large file volumes. In the next phase of batch processing, the data are supplemented with external information and the records are validated. Invalid data can be removed.
The main function is the extraction of the state indicators from the measured data and the development of methods for estimating the remaining useful lifetime of the transistor module. For easy addition of different indicators, templates allowing their rapid development and batch processing of data files are made. Other software tools are prepared for batch processing, visualization and analysis.